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Response to Mayor Johnson’s message of tolerance.

I read with interest the mayor's statement regarding the cowardly massacre of innocent students and teachers in Peshawar, Pakistan by the Taliban. His message...

no news

am I doing something wrong or is there no news

Hello from Germany

Hello Connie, you need not apologize - you're doing a great job and I look forward every Thuersday on the new edition of the...

Thank you

Editor: I have had the privilege and honour to be a municipal councillor for 23 years and I would like to thank the people of...

Do My Best

Editor: To the residents of Whitewater Region Township: Thank you for the support on Oct. 27. I will do my best in the next four...

Thank You

Thank you so much for staying to the end last night to get the election results. It will be interesting to read just why...

Haley Station resident surprised at council’s approval of official plan amendment

To the Editor: Today, sitting as an observer at our local council meeting in Whitewater Region Township, I watched, much to my surprise again, where...

An open letter to Joe Kowalski and Connie Tabbert

Thank you for the effort you are putting forth to bring a much needed newspaper back to our community after the Cobden Sun was...

Hello from Germany.

I'm very happy that we will have an online newspaper in the Valley so I can read once a week the news from...

Newspaper is a much needed asset to Whitewater Region Twp.

Thank you (Joe Kowalski) for this great idea of bringing the community together through your newspaper. News within Whitewater has been sadly ...