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Alex Got Lost: Bad Weather Blues

Alexander Leach, Editor I hate this time of year. I was probably born in the wrong country if I hated snow and the cold, but I...

Alex Has Opinions: Climate Change Makes Everything Worse

Alexander Leach, Editor I still have a sign from when I joined a protest over climate change, on the corner of Pembroke Street back in...

Alex Has Opinions: Christmas In Pandemic

Christmas is a bit different this year, and we all know it. We've just spent nine months in the worst pandemic many of us have...

Alex Has Opinions: Remembrance Day and the Fading of Memory

Remembrance Day, for me, has always been more of a tradition with less and less attachment to to the present. With Covid-19 restrictions forbidding the...

Alex Has Opinions: School and COVID-19 in the Whitewater Region

Alexander Leach, EditorOpinion School has begun, and it’s already a disaster. Fellowes High School has already been closed, with one of its teachers testing positive for...

Opinion on conspiracy theories, social media

WHITEWATER REGION (LaPasse) — Conspiracy theories! Jonathan Cainer once said, “Why do we love the idea that people might be secretly working together to...

Who is in charge of agricultural policy?

By Cam GoffVice President of Policy for the National Farmers Union  While harvest will take top billing in farmers’ minds as we put in the...

Editoral: Have some respect

Drive throughout Ontario, and there’s no way you are going to miss any of the municipal election signs. Vote for this candidate for reeve, mayor,...

Nuclear waste should be a concern

By Johanna Echlin Old Fort William Cottagers’ Association   CHALK RIVER -- Approximately 200 km upstream of Ottawa is Chalk River Laboratories, a research facility that has been...

Farmers lose with approval of Bayer acquisition of Monsanto, says NFU

The National Farmers Union (NFU), along with farm organizations around the world, oppose decision made by Canada’s Competition Bureau approving Bayer’s acquisition of Monsanto...