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Alex Has Opinions: Rednecks and Acceptance

One year of pandemic. One year of indoors. The vaccines for the much-hated COVID-19 are going out, and people are once again looking forward to...

Alex Has Opinions: School and COVID-19 in the Whitewater Region

Alexander Leach, EditorOpinion School has begun, and it’s already a disaster. Fellowes High School has already been closed, with one of its teachers testing positive for...

Alex Has Opinions: Remembrance Day and the Fading of Memory

Remembrance Day, for me, has always been more of a tradition with less and less attachment to to the present. With Covid-19 restrictions forbidding the...

Alex Has Opinions on The Beachburg Fair and Safety

Alexander Leach, Editor The Beachburg Fair begins tomorrow, July 22, and lasts the 23 and 24th. Pictures are included on the next page, along with the...

Editoral: Have some respect

Drive throughout Ontario, and there’s no way you are going to miss any of the municipal election signs. Vote for this candidate for reeve, mayor,...

Alex Got Lost: Finding Garbage, Environment and the Misconception of Personal Responsibility

Alexander Leach, Editor-In-Chief Though I’ve been negligent in posting it, I love to find old garbage and wrecks in the woods. Growing up in the 90s...

Alex Has Opinions: Conspiracies, Controversies, Complaints

Alexander Leach: Editor Bob wrote his column on conspiracies last – those convoluted plots where everyone is lied to and controlled by sinister secret groups....

Alex Has Opinions: Christmas In Pandemic

Christmas is a bit different this year, and we all know it. We've just spent nine months in the worst pandemic many of us have...

Alex Has Opinions On the Election 2022

Election Coming up, and I, once again, realize I am not a political journalist. When I was 18, and could finally vote, part of me...

Alex Has Been Doing This for Two Years, and is Cautiously Optimistic

Two years of the Whitewater news. July 1st is my benchmark for yearly volumes. I joined the paper in 2020, in the swing of the...