Chilly day for an outdoor breakfast
Pilots don't show...but drivers do
Students participate in music festivals
Ms. April proud of her students
Wind Storm Damage
Wind Storm damage
CDPS band performs fundraiser
Money to be used to music and instrument maintenance
A Blast from the Past
Patsy Peever shares a story about her father and his airplane
Car 54 on duty
A photo to share ... if you have one to share, send it to the editor
Photos taken throughout the municipality
Farmers Market donation, household hazardous waste day, mud run fundraiser, breakfast fundraiser.
Spring Chicken brings 200 cyclists to Beachburg
200 participants in the 7th annual Spring Chicken Endouro
Cobden Civitans celebrate 42nd Charter Night
Three charter members recognized and several service year pins presented.
Flying high in Cobden
Community Living flag raised in Cobden