What better way to keep cool in this heat wave than sitting in a water trough. The giggles and laughter of these five girls, from left, Rachel Nagel, Morgan Renaud, Maggie Renaud, Ryleigh Renaud and Anita Nagel, could be heard during the Canada Day festivities in Foresters Falls on Sunday.

Information for photos to be added by late tonight.. sorry for the delay.



Canada’s 151st birthday celebrations were held in three areas of Whitewater Region — Cobden, Foresters Falls and Westmeath. While the heat kept many people away, there were many who braved the extreme heat to celebrate. 

Events at the three celebrations were varied, including games, entertainment, a poker boat ride and food. One of the commonalities was each of the three communities also had spectacular fireworks at dusk. More photos online at www.whitewaternews.ca


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