Home Community Cobden beachhouse to get an overhaul

Cobden beachhouse to get an overhaul


WHITEWATER REGION (Cobden) — The Cobden Beachhouse is getting some much needed tender loving care.

For years, it’s been neglected, with plumbing problems cropping up, and deterioration of doors and floors.

Chief Administrative Officer Robert Tremblay told council at its May 16 meeting that $10,000 had been set aside. However, it was discovered much more money than that is required following a review of the facility.

He said there was one of two decisions to be made – either the facility would have to be shut down, or in order to open it to the public, the renovations would have to be done, which would also include making it accessible.

Since the salt shed at Cobden garage could be delayed, it was recommended the money proposed for that shed be put towards the beachhouse.

Doug Schultz, chief building official for the township, said there are problems with plumbing and that floors, doors, countertops and sinks had not been properly maintained.

“Our recommendation is if we are going to keep it open, we need to do it right and fix it up,” he said. “If we’re not going to fix it up, we shouldn’t open it. Nobody would want to go in there.”

Councillor Daryl McLaughlin questioned if the project shouldn’t be delayed a year to see if the aeration system installed in Muskrat Lake near the beach was going to work and people would be able to swim and use the beach.

Councillor Chris Olmstead said it’s a misnomer that the beach is not being used.

“I go down there all the time,” he said.

Also, people visiting Veteran’s Park also walk down to the beach area, he added.

It’s only not used for a short time when it’s really hot and there’s an algae bloom, Coun. Olmstead said.

Councillor Charlene Jackson agreed, saying not only do people from Veteran’s Park and beach use the beachhouse, but so do those who put boats in the water at the wharf and who participate in fishing tournaments.

She questioned if the sand was going to be replenished at the beach area and then properly maintained so there would be no bird poop. She further stated the docks need to be kept clean, because last year … “you couldn’t put a footstep anywhere, it was really disgusting.”

Parks manager Huey Martin agreed with Coun. Jackson and said there are plans to properly maintain the beach area and pressure wash the docks.

Council agreed to the recommendations of awarding the tender to Three W Construction at a cost of $41,630.04 (not including HST) and redirecting the salt shed funding to the beachhouse renovations.


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