Home Announcements Cobden Fair August 26-29 2022

Cobden Fair August 26-29 2022


The 163rd Cobden Fair opens on August 26th at the Astrolabe Road Fairgrounds in Cobden, just off the highway.

The fair lasts for three days and is the first full fair Cobden has has in over two years, since the start of the pandemic.

However, I’m not going to be able to attend this year, due to a trip I’ve scheduled I couldn’t move. As such, I hope you will share your experiences and pictures with the Whitewater News so that we can show how we feel about the fair’s return and the end of summer.

Like in Beachburg, I’m expecting a good turnout and a ton of events, including horse drawing, holstein shows, a demolition derby, and a tractor pull, as well as live shows, rides, food, and a beer tent.

The schedule can be found online at https://cobdenfair.com/fair-schedule-2022/, and can be found on Page 5 of the physical issue of the Whitewater News.

Have a safe and fun weekend, everyone.

-Alexander Leach, Editor

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