Home Community Cobden Farmers Market is 25 years old

Cobden Farmers Market is 25 years old


by Connie Tabbert
COBDEN — Mother Nature co-operated for Opening Day at the Cobden Farmers Market on Saturday.
While there may not have been much fresh produce, there was certainly plenty of colour as the flower pots were brimming.
There was also a variety of homemade goodies, such as meat pies, jams and jellies, cookies, cakes and honey. But don’t forget those homemade products, such as outdoor chairs, benches and tables, wooden items such as dog bowls, posts with lanterns, words carved into wood, tea cloths and towels, jewellry, and so much more.
The market operates from 8 a.m. until noon each Saturday until mid-October.
There is about 25 to 30 vendors each week, depending on what seasonal crops are available, said market president Ernie Wilson.
While at the market, enjoy breakfast at the Cobb family breakfast counter or purchase a coffee from Lianne Wilson’s coffee urns.
This is the 25th anniversary of the market and for every Saturday in August, there will be a draw, Mr. Wilson said.
Prizes include a Les Burwell bench; a painting by the late Dan Graham (he used to have a booth at the market, but died last October); a hand painted B and B sign; a $100 farmers market gift certificate and a basket of veggies.
Tickets are $2 each or 3 for $5 and by month’s end will be available for purchase, noted Joy Curry.
There are plans to have local entertainment each Saturday in August as well, Mr. Wilson said. If you want to provide the music, call Ms. Curry, 613-433-8934 or Mr. Wilson, 613-646-2712.
The market is always looking for new vendors, Mr. Wilson said. While a vendor doesn’t have to come each Saturday, it’s nice to know which Saturdays you will be there, he said.
As in years gone by, there will be draws each market day for a $20 gift certificate for the market, Ms. Curry said.
There will also be special events throughout the summer, including a strawberry event in June and a Canada Day celebration in July. The Whitewater Region Public Library will have a bake sale table at the Aug. 8 market.
This year’s new vendor is The Smokehouse Cafe from Renfrew, while the two oldest vendors are Morning Song Farms (James Martin) and Wallace Eady.
It’s also opportunity to socialize, Ms. Curry said. There’s a canopy-area in the centre of the market with chairs set up for people to have a seat and chat, while there are benches and tables inside, she said.

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