Home Council Cobden Visitor Centre receives an almost perfect mark

Cobden Visitor Centre receives an almost perfect mark


COBDEN — Whitewater Region council was quite impressed with the 99 percent rating the Cobden Visitors Centre received from the Ministry of Tourism. The rating was based on the annual Mystery Shopper Report.
To make it official, council passed a motion congratulating the Cobden Visitors Centre and volunteer staff on the 99 percent rating it received.
“That’s pretty high,” said Mayor Hal Johnson.
Volunteer Rita Patterson was on duty that day, said Councillor Cathy Regier.
“We should make mention of her because this is very outstanding,” she said. “It just goes to show again how great that visitor’s centre is down there.”
Mayor Johnson suggested creating a certificate and presenting it to her before placing it inside the visitor’s centre for all to see.
Chief Administrative Officer Christine FitzSimons said all visitor centres are rated through a mystery shopper. The mystery shopper could be someone who stopped to have lunch and checked things out, she said.
“Ninety-nine percent is just amazing,” she said.
Reviewing the report, the centre lost two points because there was no toilet paper in the women’s washroom when the mystery shopper was there.

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