Home Community Council Views Wilderness Tours Report

Council Views Wilderness Tours Report


Editor’s Note: The Whitewater News is owned by Joe Kowalski and is printed out of River Run Rafting and Wilderness Tours.

The Council for the Township of Whitewater Region voted to accept a proposed Park Model home development concept for 503 Rafting Road.

The declaration of intent to restructure the Wilderness Tours site as an RV park was submitted by Joe Kowalski and Brian Whitehead on September 9th, at a Special Council Meeting.

Ivan Burton covered the report, which was provided to the Council for informational purposes. The proposal was presented last council meeting.

It covers “The conversion of Wilderness Tours into a mobile park home.”

He said “Each site would be serviced through private water, or a lagoon or septic system.”

“The property is in the Tourism/Commercial zone as per the former Municipality of Ross.”

He outlined criteria for the development, including requirements that there would be no impacts to the wildlife habitats and that the properties.

He also outlined emails from nearby landowners, expressing concerns of the development, including traffic and sewage, and environmental impacts to the Ottawa river, as well as property value, trespasser, and impact to the water table. There was also concerns about seasonality and power generation issues.

Burton said CAO Trembley and he met with the individuals, and had received no development application at the time of the meeting.

He said that they would return with another report.

Reeve Cathy Regier asked what “the next step” would be.

Burton said that “It’s at discretion of council how they would respond to the request. The request that’s been submitted is to support the council, and limit the studies to engineering only. Council can decide whether or not they make a decision.”

Trembley added “Typically you don’t express a motion to permit something. I think the proponent is reviewing the comments and concerns from the Ministry officials.”

“Usually you’re approving and reviewing something through motions to the Planning Act. The question becomes what studies are required.”

“The proponent is seeking some time to respond.”

Councillor Olmstead added: “We’re not being asked to do anything but receive information at this time.”

Councillor McLaughlin agreed.

Councillor Mackay said he would “like to see all these reports when they’re done.”

Councillor Charlene Jackson commented that the external agencies providing comments about the development was out of the ordinary.

Burton said he thinks it was a result of comments from the concerned parties.

“They’ve taken upon themselves to comment on it when there’s no motion before council.” She said. “I want council to recognize that it’s highly unusual.”

“I think it’s gone beyond what the original intention was for.” she said. “Comments are to be gathered wen they are ready to be gathered.”

Councillor Nicholson: “Part of me is very excited about the economic development. Part of me is concerned that we lose what we have in terms of the potential of the region.”

He said he didn’t understand the request for the motion of the support without an application, as a future council could simply remove support pending new information.

“From a planning perspective, Planning act requires formal proposals.”

“I’m excited by the number of people interested in this.” Nicholson said. “We’re shaping the future of Whitewater Region, here. Bring it on.”

Mayor Moore said that he had concern with fire stops and fire prevention. “It’s absolutely important that we don’t have a conflagration.”

Trembley said that that would be part of a formal application regarding firefighting concerns.

“I’d like to see some hard numbers.” Olmstead said. “I’d like to kinda understand from a long weekend in May to Labour Day September, how many people would be going through this site.”

Burton said he didn’t know specifics, but he said it was “probably the range of 20-30k” and would confirm with Kowalski.

“If you fill this park, you’re looking at traffic the size of Cobden.” Mayor Moore said. “It’s going to tear hell on our roads.”

CAO Trembley confirmed that it was just “a motion to receive, and there was a motion and a seconder.”

A vote was called, and the motion was carried.

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