Councillor — Allen Dick


    1: I have several reasons for my decision to seek re-election to Whitewater Region Council. I felt I had accumulated a lot of knowledge and information over the past four years so not to continue would have been a waste of my time, but also a waste of taxpayers money of Whitewater Region.
    Another reason for incumbents to seek re-election is to follow through on decisions that have been made but have not been completed but would like to see them through to completion.
    Finally, the whole learning and listening curve acts like a magnet to hold me and to make me a better member of our local council.

    2: The role of councillor is to represent the public and to consider the well being and interests of the Municipality. A councillor is also part of the work engine for council, they factor in on all decisions and carry the load on Standing Committees and council appointments to other Boards.

    3: My community involvement over the last four years has been to continue to work, as I have in the past, with different boards, committees and individuals , to help strengthen and make this a better community for the future.

    4: The skills I bring to Whitewater Council are as follows:
    A – I listen to the concerns of the people and try to act on them
    B – I bring a business and private side to council. This being so I am able to make strong financial decisions.
    C – I am a people’s person, so I have a good sense in picking people to fulfill commitments.
    D – I also strive to bring respect and accountability to our council and to the people I serve.

    5: The top priorities, in my view, for the elected Council of October 27, 2014 are:
    1 – We have to push growth and development (that coming from all Beachburg sub-divisions, the BEI sub-division in Cobden and the Industrial Park in old Westmeath Township and rural lands throughout the Region) because with the up-dated PPS there will be challenges.
    2 – Infrastructure (roads, bridges, culverts and municipal buildings) with grant monies being tight, will be a big challenge.
    3 – Environmental – Water/Sewer will be the most challenging because revenues collected versus the EXTREME cost of infrastructure and operations.
    The BAR, in my mind is set beyond reason, being that the Province of Ontario – believe it or not – has set the purification of water for the world.
    4 – Waste Management/Landfill – we as a council/municipality have to sell the idea of recycling better. Bring it to a higher level and insist it be done. If we allow our landfill to carry on as status quo, there will be grave consequences for future generations.
    5 – Muskrat Lake – certainly a serious problem, so we must keep pushing as hard as we can to obtain as much funding as possible from the different Ministries.
    With the Committee that is in place at present, I feel we are headed in the right direction to get results.

    6: In order to promote and sustain a prosperous future for Whitewater Township, we have to have as much growth and development as possible and this will drive our local economy.

    7: My strategy for funding road repair and maintenance is, first of all to be more pro-active in preparing and doing our homework. Then sit down with the different ministries explaining our needs. Dot the I’s cross the T’s, then shake the bushes.

    10: Agriculture is definitely a priority in our area when it comes to economic development. As I mentioned before growth and development would be my #1 focus for new council after election October, 2014.

    11: The word amalgamation means “To Come Together”. Since being elected in 2010, I have touched on this many times, I feel that a lot of the times it has fallen on deaf ears, but I will persevere and keep talking about this matter and hopefully some day in the near future, we will have one community say to another “What can I do to help you.”

    12: I certainly don’t like the idea of our roads being rolled back to gravel, but if funding is not available to help with the financing, the question is “What is the Alternative” to keep our roads passable.

    13: I feel, we definitely do not need five fire halls in our township, however, to consider cancelling just one, there would be a number of hurdles that council would have to consider before it would become a done deal.

    15: Council can certainly play a role in making sure that proper rules and regulations are followed in the development of lake front property by ensuring proper and reasonable setbacks, proper septic systems and be diligent and aware of what goes on and in the lake. We, as owners of property, must do our part to abide by the rules and be good stewards of our waterways, keeping the environment in mind.

    17: Policing costs are definitely out of control for rural Ontario. If policing is to double over the next five years, we, as a municipality, will have to come up with approximately $120,000.00 per year to meet these costs. Where the money will come from, will be a huge challenge.

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