Home Community County weed inspector warns people to stay away from Wild Parsnip

County weed inspector warns people to stay away from Wild Parsnip


PEMBROKE — Wild Parsnip is an invasive plant that is increasingly common within Renfrew County and Eastern Ontario. The plant is found in areas such as road shoulders, roadside ditches, rail corridors, trails and uncultivated lands.
Wild Parsnip may pose a health risk to humans. The plant sap may cause skin and eye irritation and make the skin prone to severe burning and blistering when exposed to the sun. The blisters typically occur one to two days after contact with the plant. This can result in long-term scarring of the skin.
Wild Parsnip is a highly branched plant, with hollow green stems. It has two growth stages: non-flowering leafy rosettes at ground level and 0.5 to 1.5 metre-tall yellow flowering plants. In the first year of growth, low-growing non-flowering rosettes of leaves form with a cluster of spindly, compound leaves that resemble celery leaves. Second and third year plants have tall, branched flowering stalks that usually bloom in early June to late July. Seeds are flat and round. It is a biennial plant, reproducing only by seed. The seeds can lie dormant for years making it even more challenging to control.
Jason Davis, Area Weed Inspector for the County of Renfrew shared this message, “The County of Renfrew is currently performing its annual roadside mowing program and staff is actively working to help manage the invasive plant on roadsides where possible. In addition, efforts are also being made to remove targeted areas of the weed on public lands and parks. Management efforts to control the wild parsnip are proving to be a challenge across Eastern Ontario.”
The best way to avoid contact with Wild Parsnip is to become familiar with what the plant looks like and the proper handling techniques when dealing with the plant. Important safety information on Wild Parsnip hazards, control and disposal is available on the Ontario’s Invading Species Awareness Program and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs web sites.

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