Home Health COVID-19 preparations at Whitewater-Bromley Community Health Centre

COVID-19 preparations at Whitewater-Bromley Community Health Centre


WHITEWATER REGION — They have been preparing for COVID-19 at the Whitewater-Bromley Community Health Centre, as COVID-19 has been front and centre of the news for weeks. Their goal is to ensure clients get the care they need while at the same time, they protect the health of their staff and other clients receiving care.

Clients should expect when they call WBCHC and ask for an appointment, to be asked about their travel history and if they have a fever, cough or shortness of breath. If a client is at risk of COVID-19 because of travel or contacts with someone who has COVID-19, they may be offered a phone appointment or offered a phone call back. If symptoms are mild, WBCHC may ask the client to stay put at home, self-isolate and call public health. If symptoms are serious, WBCHC will call ahead to the E.R. and ask for the client to go there for assessment.

Clients will be asked the same questions about symptoms and travel risk when registering at the front desk and again with any contact with staff.

Clients are asked to not just come to the clinic or hospital if they think they are at risk. “Call ahead so that we can ensure that we have time to prepare a safe space for you that protects others as well,” said WBCHC in a statement on their website. “We expect you  hand wash or hand sanitize when you come to the centre (Enough time to sing the alphabet song, or Happy Birthday!).”

“If you have fever or a cough, we expect you to put on a mask when you come into the centre and LEAVE IT ON FULLY COVERING YOUR MOUTH AND NOSE UNTIL YOU ARE ASKED TO REMOVE IT. Do not take it off when you are in the exam room!”

The statement goes on to detail they will be working hard to try to protect staff so they are able to continue to care for the community, which includes your friends, your neighbours and your family. “Please help us to do that by being patient with the screening questions, answering honestly and following instructions.”

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