Home Council COVID-19, service changes in Whitewater Region

COVID-19, service changes in Whitewater Region


WHITEWATER REGION — The Township of Whitewater Region’s Municipal Emergency Control Group, comprised of Mayor Mike Moore, Reeve Cathy Regier, Chief Administrative Officer Robert Tremblay and staff from key areas, met by teleconference on Monday at 7:00 p.m. to review the current situation involving COVID-19.

In addition to the previously announced postponements and service changes listed below, the Township Administration Building at 44 Main Street in Cobden will be closed to the public effective immediately until further notice. This is in keeping with similar decisions by other municipalities. 

In addition, the Acting Fire Chief has enacted a fire ban to ensure fire forces can be maintained for emergency response as needed.

The municipal landfill at 90 Kohlsmith is also closed. Residents are encouraged to place garbage and recycling, in keeping with the usual schedule, at curb side. Residents and clients are asked to refrain from attending municipal facilities and keep a two meter or six feet distance from others. Municipal staff can be contacted by telephone or email. Appointments may be arranged where warranted. 

With outstanding payments, residents can mail cheques to the Township via regular mail, utilize the after-hours drop box at 44 Main Street, pay online or at your bank. Dog tags can be purchased at local retailers or online on the Township website.

The Township is maintaining other essential services as they continue to monitor the situation from the health unit and other levels of government. Essential services such as administration, permits, curb side pick-up, fire response, water and sewer, and routine road maintenance are not impacted. 

Municipal flooding preparations are also underway with the securing of sandbags. Gravel roads are being impacted by the early thaw and freeze cycles. Regular grading operations will commence once the frost gets out of the roads and they can dry out. In addition to the Township’s two graders, a third will be contracted to assist with spring operations. Potholes can be reported to the office or through the website.

The following events and services are impacted: the Mayor’s Business Breakfast, scheduled for March 24, is postponed; the Volunteer Appreciation Event being organized for National Volunteer Week is postponed as is the Emergency Preparedness Open House; the next regular Council meeting is scheduled for April 15. Any special or

emergency meetings will be called by Mayor Moore, as necessary; arena operations are suspended from Saturday, March 15 to Monday, April 13; Whitewater Region libraries will be closed in keeping with the schools closure until April 5; and additional information will be shared as available on the municipal website.

Please follow these instructions to reduce the spread of germs: wash your hands often with soap and water or use alcohol-based sanitizers; avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth, unless you have just cleaned your hands with soap; cover your cough and sneeze with a tissue or into your arm, not your hand; if possible, stay home if you are sick; avoid visiting people in hospitals or long-term care centres if you are sick; clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces; and it is still recommended to get your flu shot if you have not already as the flu virus is still circulating in the community.

Residents are directed to the Renfrew County & District Health Unit for information and guidance on COVID-19. The risk currently remains low in Renfrew County. Please refer to instructions on how to protect yourself and your family at the website

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