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Endurance Pays Off


Lives are full of peaks and valleys. I feel I’ve been short-changed on the peaks but an incoming telephone call last week was a highlight, well worth the wait.

It was the Ontario Trillium Foundation calling me, just before lunchtime. The first words of their representative from the Toronto headquarters was, “Mr. Grylls, Congratulations, your grant application on behalf of the WDRA was successful.” His dialogue went on for a long time with details about this and that, stopping once to say, “Don’t worry about remembering anything I say as I’ll follow up with an Email.”

That was a relief as I didn’t recall much after the congratulations part. Standing at the time but then began feeling woozy with this excitement about so much money, I had to lean against the wall to keep my balance. In closing, I could only think to say, “Thank you for this great news. Now I will really enjoy my homemade soup for lunch.” I know it was a corny response but I wasn’t of full sense at the moment. This news wasn’t only a peak, it was Mount Everest!

The grant money will cover costs for the contractor that had the lowest bid to remove the existing and unsafe 43-year-old entranceway and ramp and replace it with a new design; when complete, ready for Phase 2 which will be a roof completely covering both the entranceway and ramp. The existing one has served its time. Our engineering firm had red-circled it, meaning not a single upgrade or enhancement is permitted – only the replacement of it.

This sensational news means so much to me personally. The year before, I had applied for the same grant. Despite additional wiggle-room allowed by OTF, I couldn’t provide all the information that was needed to meet their deadlines. The application was rejected and I felt rejected as well. The Project Leader, whose name most people know, merely said, “Apply again next year.” And that’s what I did.

It appeared like he was the golf club and I was the golf ball — guided towards that cup in the middle of the green. This year’s attempt saw everything falling into place, a hole-in-one! I had listened to tips and ideas from the community, to the WDRA, the Riverview Social Club, the Township CAO and the former Mayor, a Renfrew County staff member and a Quebec lady with a crystal ball which became so transparent that she was able to say I had a very reasonable chance. This application was not a cut above, but two cuts above the earlier one.

I must confess that I had only one other moment that was more thrilling than this. Some years ago I worked for a manger that was a bully, a braggart, envious of others and if his lips moved, you knew he was lying. (Remind you of anyone in US politics!). One morning he was called into the VP’s office and fired on the spot. I was delirious with joy – all my grievances concerning him dissolved in an instant. I called everyone I knew, even a few I didn’t know, so eager to spread my good fortune. My phone bill was out of sight that month but I didn’t care. His empty office still gave ex-employees the shivers for weeks, including me. We felt that an ominous presence was still in his office which would surely require an exorcism! Eventually the office was reassigned to me and I got his title to go with it. I had survived a roller coaster ride for nearly three years, now I would sail on a more keel.

There were other memorable moments too. Like when my divorce papers came through – but not so the lawyer’s invoice. Sheila accepting my engagement proposal with me on one knee but toppling over before I got the words fully out. There was the bus trip to see Agawa Canyon but we got stranded in the Soo for two nights instead because of a flood. The most self-fulfilling though was being on stage for two comedy shows at the Westmeath Hall, blowing my lines in both but not giving a darn because it was so much fun. 

At this stage of my life, I feel blessed about this funding, not for myself but for the role itself I will have played into getting that cursed, dangerous and antique set of steps leading into the Westmeath Community Recreation Hall vanquished forever. Amen!

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