Renfrew County National Farmers Union

BARR LINE — Tony Straathof of Westmeath is once again at the helm of the Renfrew County National Farmers Union.
A new executive was acclaimed at the annual general meeting Monday night.
The executive members are, Mr. Straathof, president; Daniel Sternmac, vice-president and youth advisor; Lauretta Rice, director and women’s advisor; and directors Marshall Buchanan, Tim Tabbert, Bob Dobson and Neil Patterson. Directors-at-large are Gregg Parsons, Jim Lynch, Frank Brick and Dave Mackay.
Connie Tabbert will remain as secretary/treasurer for one more year.
Prior to the elections taking place, Coral Sproule, national president, addressed the group, followed by a question and an

Coral Sproule, president of the National Farmers Union, is flanked by Daniel Sternmac, left, and Tony Straathof, vice-president and president, respectively, of the Renfrew County National Farmers Union.

swer period.

Mr. Straathof, who is also a national board member for the National Farmers Union – Ontario board, provided a power-point presentation on what the Ontario board has been working on and where it wants to go as an organization.

Earlier this month, Mr. Straathof and Ms. Tabbert attended the annual general meeting/convention of National Farmers Union – Ontario. Throughout the two-day event, there were various guest speakers and resolutions discussed and passed/turned down. Mr. Straathof was acclaimed to represent Ontario on the national board.
The Renfrew County National Farmers Union is hosting a Mental Health Awareness workshop on Saturday, March 24. This is a health issue that is of interest to many people, not just farmers. It is open to everyone.

National Farmers Union president Coral Sproule (back to camera) talks with some of the people who attended the annual general meeting of the Renfrew County National Farmers Union held Monday night at the Barr Line Community Centre.

The workshop is at the Barr Line Community Centre from 9:30 a.m. until 3 p.m. The cost is $8 and includes lunch.
The guest speakers are from the Robbie Dean Family Counselling Centre in Pembroke, Eganville and Renfrew.
If you would like to pre-register, which would be appreciated but isn’t necessary, please email Connie at [email protected]

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