Home Letters Farewell letter from the editor

Farewell letter from the editor


Dear Readers,

After three years in Whitewater Region, Kyle and I will be relocating to Squamish, British Columbia.

We have encountered many problems which unfortunately cannot be overcome. We found it nearly impossible to find rental units for peoples under 55 years of age and are still a few years away from buying. The barbering and hairstyling industry in this area provided many hurdles, including networking. This made it virtually impossible for Kyle to build a clientele here.

Lastly, the racism I have been a victim to in this area is not something I want our children to grow up with. It has also begun to have a negative impact on my mental health, as I tried very hard to be a contributing member of this community. 

I will be finishing out year six with the newspaper, which is today’s issue. Next week I will not be producing an issue, as I’m going to take my second week’s vacation and will be training my replacement.

I appreciate your hospitality and kindness, you have no idea how cherished it was. Thank you for the memories, we cannot wait for the new ones!

Happy Reading,
Megan Chase, Editor

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  1. I am sorry you feel the need to leave our area. I am very sorry and upset about one of the reasons you are leaving. I HATE that racism has been an issue for you. I am white and can’t do anything about that. I don’t know many people of colour – that’s just the way it is. I just don’t understand why we can’t just all get along. I’m not blaming you – I am just so frustrated about all this. I am truly sorry that racism exists and that it affects you and your children.

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