Home Community An Open Letter from Renfrew County Faith Leaders

An Open Letter from Renfrew County Faith Leaders


An Invitation to Our Communities,
In recent months, a surge in hate speech directed at the transgender community has made its way from the United States to Canada, including Renfrew County. This is deeply concerning to us as faith leaders. As Christians we are called to respect the full dignity and humanity of every individual as a child of God. As followers of Jesus, we are called to live as stewards of justice and compassion towards all.

Our faith calls us not to discriminate nor to tolerate discrimination against anyone; not to hate nor to tolerate hatred against anyone. We believe that “Hate crimes contribute to disunity in society, compromise democratic values, and maintain inequality. They send an explicit message that entire groups of cit zens are unworthy of respect, lack redeeming characteristics and are worthy of contempt. This erodes the very fabric of the communities that we all live in.” (from the Canadian Race Relations Foundation)

Sadly, misinformation and rumours are fueling fear and hatred for a community of people that is already marginalized in our society. Transgender people experience disproportionately high rates of discrimination, harassment, and violence simply for being who they are.

In Canada, we have the freedom to stand up for the persecuted of the world. Our hearts should ache for every victim of hate, regardless of their diversity, because our faith values love and justice above all.

So with March 31st being the International Transgender Day of Visibility, we, the undersigned are sending a message of love and support to our transgender parishioners, neighbours, colleagues, and friends. Additionally, we call upon caring citizens and community leaders to consider what actions you can take to ensure everyone feels safe and welcome in Renfrew County.

• The Clergy Team of The Anglican Parish of the Valley:
The Rev. Matthew Brown — Incumbent and Regional Dean of Pembroke
The Rev. Gillian Hoyer — Associate Incumbent
The Rev. Nicholas Forte — Associate Incumbent
The Rev. Claire Bramma — Assistant Curate
The Rev. Canon John Wilker-Blakley — Interim Associate Priest
The Rev. Richard Durrett — Interim Associate Priest

• The Venerable Patrick Stephens, Incumbent and Archdeacon of Pembroke: St. Barnabas
Anglican Church, Deep River

• Fr. John Stopa, Rector: St. Paul’s Anglican Church, Renfrew and Parish of Emmanuel
Anglican Church, Arnprior

• Rev. Ingrid Condie-Bennett and the Congregation of Grace United Church, Cobden and
the Congregation of Zion United Church, Douglas

• Rev. Susan DeHaan and the Congregation of St. Andrew’s United Church, Chalk River

• Rev. Kevin Moratz and the Beachburg Pastoral Charge (St Andrew’s United Church,
Beachburg and Trinity United Church, Foresters Falls)

• Rev. James Murray and the Congregation of Trinity-St. Andrew’s United Church,

• Rev. Amanda Alley and Rev. Sheldon Alley and the Congregation of Deep River
Community Church, Deep River

• Rev. Tiina Cote and the Congregation of Calvin United Church, Pembroke

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