Home Council Future Pathway

Future Pathway


BEACHBURG – The Council of the Township of Whitewater Region directed staff to retain the portion of land described as Block K, Plan 466, for the purposes of the developing a future pathway, to undertake maintenance of the trees in 2021 and include the project in the 2022 Capital Budget.

The land extends from Earl Street to Vera Crescent in the Village of Beachburg.

Planner Ivan Burton said that the strip of land was held by the township in 1995, with a by-law passed to see it as a public highway.

He said it was set as an emergency access point.

“Some of the trees are overgrown.” he said.

He said the options were to survey the land and transfer it to the property owners, or to maintain it as a walkway for the community.

He said the Township recommended the maintenance and cutting of the trees as a Capital project.

Councillor Mackay said that it does not work as a ‘shortcut’ of the school, and that it provides no quicker access to the subdivision.

“It’s a lot of money wasted on nothing”. he said.

Burton said it would be estimated at $55,000 to $85,000 to maintain.

Mayor Moore added that the students used the path as a walkway due to there being “too much traffic” along the roads during dismissal time.

Councillor McLaughlin asked if anyone had contacted any of the adjacent property owners about purchasing it.

Burton said that one of the owners was “extremely interested” in purchasing it, but th other three expressed “little interest in absorbing any of the cost” in maintaining it.

“I don’t think it would be pertinent for her to own a strip of land going to the highway.” Burton said. “I think we could present to the adjacent owners to take portions of the land, and we could do that with the Council’s direction.”

Councillor Nicholson said he “Struggled with the dollar value”, but clarified that this report was just to direct on whether Council would retain the land, or sell it.

“Personally, I am not ready to get rid of this property.” he said. “I personally want to see it included in the public transportation plan. I think it would be great linkage for the active transportation.”

Councillor Olmstead and Councillor Jackson agreed that they needed to wait for the report.

“Any maintenance we do this year is part of the maintenance we should have been doing.”

Reeve Regier said she was in ‘full agreement’ with them.

“I’m not in favour of including that kind of money either, but what started this was a lack of maintenance due to manitoba maples preventing maintenance.” Mayor Moore said.

CAO Trembley reiterated that the resolution was to keep it and take future action subject to a report.

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