PEMBROKE — For the entire month of June, Zumba lovers Colleen Gauthier and Dan Connor collected donations at their Monday night drop-in Zumba classes. The dancing duo raised over $325 and donated the total to the Pembroke Regional Hospital Foundation’s Cutting Edge campaign.
Remarking on their motivation to host charity classes, Ms. Gauthier said, “We asked participants to bring charity suggestions forward, and attendee Lynn Denault proposed supporting our Hospital’s programs.”
“As we desire to support the health and wellbeing of our community and help our class members get energized and physically active through Zumba, dedicating voluntary donations towards raising funds for our Hospital for a month was a win-win situation.”
Mr. Gauthier added, “Our participants could feel good knowing that they not only did something good for themselves, but also contributed to their community’s health and wellbeing.”
On the success of the class, PRHF Executive Director, Nancy Warren said, “When individuals like Dan and Colleen take the initiative to share their passion with their community in support of wellness and health care for all, everyone who relies on Pembroke Regional Hospital benefits!
“I heartily encourage everyone with a talent, skill, or passion for community to harness their enthusiasm, and host a charity event of their own to support the health care advancements for local families.”
To learn about hosting your own charity event, or to contribute to the current campaign, please contact the PRH Foundation office at (613) 732-2811 extension 7408 or visit www.prhfoundation.com.