Home Council Growth Readiness Action Plan

Growth Readiness Action Plan


Planner Ivan Burton reported that the township entered a partnership with the Greater Madawaska township to issue a growth readiness action plan, and presented the final draft.

The Growth Readiness Action Plan is the first part in a three-part plan to “assist the Township in future development”, followed by Development Standards and a Comprehensive Zoning By-Law Update.

The 15-page document outlines Whitewater’s strengths in tourism, and outlines infrastructure and economic elements of the region and recommendations, including social media plans to promote the Township.

“I think this an amazing document.” Councillor Jackson said..

“Do you actually own a hashtag?” she asked. “how do we get associated with that? is there a process to that, can we track them somehow, I have no idea. This is unbelievable, I think this is a good plan in place.”

“I ran for Council because I wanted to give some direction. “ Councillor Olmstead said. “Now we have all these studies and are taking all these actions. This is fabulous stuff.”

The motion was carried.

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