WHITEWATER REGION (Cobden) — On September 4, the Development & Planning Committee recommend the Council of the Township of Whitewater Region approve the award of the proposal for the Village and Hamlet Growth Study to WSP Canada Group Ltd. (WSP) at a cost of around $35 thousand.
In 2019, the Township received funding from the Government of Ontario to improve service delivery and efficiency. A portion of these funds were allocated to the Beachburg/Cobden Growth Study to undertake a comprehensive review of the Township settlement areas to consider possible boundary expansions and/or adjustments.
“The project will examine population and employment projections, infrastructure and public service facilities, physical constraints, prime agricultural areas, impacts on existing agricultural operations (MDS) and other cross-jurisdiction issues to determine the best and most efficient location to direct growth within the Township’s Villages and Hamlets,” said Ivan Burton, Planner/EDO for the Township.
Total cost after the tax rebate is around $35 thousand however, WSP has agreed to find efficiencies to reduce this cost to $30 thousand. The approved budget allocated for the Growth Study was $20 thousand. The reminder of the project will be funded by $4 thousand from the remaining Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw Review Operating Budget Line Item and by the $6 thousand savings from the Development Charges Study/Water and Wastewater Rate Study.
Motioned by Councillor Dave Mackay and seconded by Councillor Neil Nicholson, the motion was carried. A total of two submission were received from the firms J.L. Richards & Associates Limited and WSP. The selection committee comprised of the Chief Administrative Officer and the Planner/EDO, who recommended awarding the proposal to WSP in collaboration with Metro Economics.
WSP has undertaken projects of similar scope and scale in Eastern Ontario. According to both parties, their proposal and presentation demonstrated a good understanding of the Township’s needs and requirements. The firm has offices throughout Canada, including Ottawa. It is expected that the growth study will be completed by January or February 2020.