Home Community Health Unit releases report on fall-related injuries and how to prevent them

Health Unit releases report on fall-related injuries and how to prevent them


Falls are the leading cause of injury for older adults in Renfrew County and District. The report Injuries Caused by Falls Among Older Adults in Renfrew County and District highlights local falls prevention resources and what can be done to prevent falls among older adults.
The rate of falls among older adults in Renfrew County and District is higher than in other parts of Ontario. Falls are a serious public health concern and have a significant impact on the injured individual, their caregivers, families and friends, local health care providers and hospitals. As the population of older adults continues to grow, injuries caused by falls are placing an even greater burden on the health care system.
“This report gives the reader current information on falls happening in our communities and encourages them to make a Falls Prevention Plan,” states Raili Quathamer, Public Health Nurse at the Health Unit. “A Fall Prevention Plan could be made for yourself, your client or a loved one,” continues Raili.
The report promotes the following six (6) actions to prevent falls:
1. Find and remove hazards in the home
2. Exercise for strength and balance
3. Manage medications and their side effects
4. Have the right safety and protective gear
5. Have regular health check-ups
6. Eat healthy meals and stay hydrated
Find out more about fall-related injuries and how to prevent them by reading the full report, downloading the report video and sharing the report infographic available at www.rcdhu.com. You can also call the Renfrew County and District Health Unit Health Info Line at 1-800-267-1097 Ext. 666 to speak with a nurse.

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