RENFREW COUNTY — All residents with at least one symptom of COVID-19, no matter how mild, should get tested.
COVID-19 can cause illness ranging from a very mild, cold-like illness to a severe lung infection. Some of these symptoms can include: fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, muscle ache, headache, shortness of breath and difficulty breathing.
If you begin to feel symptoms of COVID-19, you should: get a test at a drive through clinic; go home and self-isolate unless you are going to the testing clinic; and tell your close contacts within the 48 hours before your symptom(s)began to monitor their health and to self-isolate.
Renfrew County and District Health Unit (RCDHU) continues to work with residents and collaborate with community partners. Health unit staff have been supporting drive through testing clinics held in collaboration with the County of Renfrew Community Paramedics and Renfrew County Virtual Triage Assessment Centre.
As a reminder, due to the increasing number of tests, health unit staff are no longer calling people to inform them of a negative result, no news is good news. If you have internet access, you can monitor your test results through Ontario’s on-line portal. It could take from four to 10 days for results to be available due to the high volume of tests being processed.
Residents of Renfrew County and District with a COVID-19 symptom need to be tested and are asked to contact Renfrew County Virtual Triage Assessment Centre (RCVTAC) at 1-844-727-6404 or RCDHU at 613-735-8654 or 1-800-267-1097 to pre-register. They will then receive the date and time for the next clinic depending on their area of the county. For more information visit RCDHU’s website at https://www.rcdhu.com/novel-coronaviruscovid-19-2.