Home Council Joe Kowalski Calls for 50km Speed Limit on Grant Setttlement Road

Joe Kowalski Calls for 50km Speed Limit on Grant Setttlement Road


Editor’s Note: Joe Kowalski owns the Whitewater News

Joe Kowalski spoke in front of Council about a proposed speed limit reduction on Grant Settlement Road.

He recommended a 50km speed limit for a 2km section of the road, the ‘s-curve’.

“All of us here are basically locals and know what the roads are like.” he said. “This road is one of the roads I don’t speed on. I always drive very slow.”

He said that the current recommended speeds put runners and local farmers in danger.

“Most non-locals don’t follow those recommended speeds.” he said.

He said that the speed limit will serve to protect cyclists and river-goers who use the road to access cycling trails and the Ottawa River.

Councillor Olmstead said that he “absolutely agree with your comments.”

“I would go a step further and say that the property near wilderness tours entrance is just as dangerous. I would like to see it extended to a 4-5km stretch.

He asked if there was a law only permitting a 20km reduction in speed.

Ivan Burton said he would prepare a report regarding the Ministry of Transportation and the maximum reduction in speed limit.

Councillor Joey Trimm said he felt “going to 50 would be a struggle to enforce. I know that I need to stay at 50 in the Hamlet of Westmeath, but I struggle to stay at 50. You’ve presented a contradiction here – you say that the

He recommended 60km reduced from 80km as “easier to abide or enforce.”

Councillor Tabbert agreed with sixty. “When I started whitewater news with Joe, and I had drive that road.

“Is there any chance to make the whole road 60km?”

Councillor Moore said that they will need “a lot more information before we can come back to this.”

Joe Kowalski responded to the “the S-curves really warrant 50km. The curves bank to the left, they’re blind.”

“If you shoot for 50km, you get 60, which is okay. If you shoot for 60, you get 70, which is risky.”

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