Home Council Kerr Line Rezoning

Kerr Line Rezoning


The Council of the Township of Whitewater Region approved an amendment to the zoning categories of the property described as Part of Lot 11, Concession 9, Kerr Line, from “Residential Two (R2) Zone” to “Rural – Exception Thirty-Seven (RU-E37) Zone” and from “Agriculture (A) Zone” to “Agriculture – Exception Eighteen (A-E18) Zone”.

Planner Ivan Burton said the the amendment would “Allow for farm uses on the property,” and to “Reduce the minimum rear yard depth of the livestock yards”.

“They’re proposing five horse ,four beef cattle, and we’ve calculated the setback based on that information.” Burton said.

He said staff was supportive of the application,as it would not affect the rural character of the area.

Robin Renaud, the applicant, said that there was nothing that they’d like to add.

Councillor Daryl McLaughlin asked if there could be a limit on the number of livestock that remained if the property moved “hand to hand”.

“if the owners were to propose a greater number of livestock, We would have to recalculate the NDS and determine if that would affect the setback.”

“If it moved to a second hand, we would still have control of it, correct?”

Ivan Burton confirmed Council would retain control.

Councillor Dave Mackay asked the size of the property, which Ivan confirmed was five acres, or 2 hectares.

The motion was carried.

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