Home Community Large crowd lines the street of Cobden for annual Santa Claus Parade

Large crowd lines the street of Cobden for annual Santa Claus Parade


WHITEWATER REGION (Cobden) — It was a brisk overcast Saturday afternoon, Nov. 25, but well before the start of the Cobden Christmas Parade at 1:30, the main street was jammed with onlookers on both sides of it.
Excitement rose to a pitch as the first entry in the parade, an OPP car with lights flashing, came into view. The remaining floats, pipe band, Scouts and Beavers, etc., about 25 in all, came along in a smooth continuum. Each were interesting and well prepared in their own way. A few, like the Logos Land float which included a large mother elephant and a few babies was impressive. Mac McKenzie hauling the Polar Express was a unique exhibit. Without the Highland Band – Renfrew Pipes and Drums, the parade would not have been complete. Its performance was thrilling to the ears. The parade ended without missing a beat followed by an invitation for the kids to meet Santa in the Municipal Hall. Brian Pender, on the lower roof of that hall, announced and thanked each entry in the parade as it passed by him.
In the Municipal Hall itself, kids and their parents were lined up back to the doorway into the building, both eager and impatient for Santa to arrive. Finally, he did arrive, along with Mrs. Claus, to take their special seats. Then the kids kept coming to him, , each telling him their secret wishes.

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