Home Special Interest Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor


Dear Editor:
This letter is addressed to the person in the gray SUV who, on Friday, October 20 at approximately 5:30 p.m., sped (80-90 km/hr) out of Westmeath and hit a dog.
You did not even stop, but just sped away. Just to let you know the dog did not survive.
Our question is “Why did you not even have the courtesy to stop?”
What was so urgent or were you too ashamed at what you did?
At that speed what if it had been a child? 
Also, be advised, that the vehicles behind you did stop to assist us and with great passion.
Also be advised that the OPP were notified and the brief description of your vehicle was given to them.
Maybe it is time for us, the people of Westmeath, to start speaking out about the speeding along this stretch.
Fred Ormston, Westmeath

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