Home Special Interest LETTER TO THE EDITOR



Dear Editor,
I’ve never liked the colour orange, never bought or worn a piece of orange clothing (I look terrible in it). I’ve always been more of a blue or red person.
Then my country, the country of which I’ve been so very proud, has been pulled apart, piece by piece, in every natural, social and judicial part, by the government many thought we could trust.
While it’s still bleeding, parts of Canada’s quivering carcass are being sold out to other countries, not by spies, but, again, by our own government. Most recently, through the TPP terms, exactly as predicted by Tom Mulcair, leader of the New Democratic Party.
All means of transportation and communication have been disrupted or removed.
Then, along comes C-51 which could grant the power to prevent me (or you) from emailing this message, and curb our freedoms in other ways, these and other new laws, making us prisoners in our own country.
Now, another tool for divide and conquer, instituted, not by evil outsiders, but by our present very own Canadian Government: the “Rat Line” which encourages us to spy and report whatever Big Brother decides are barbaric cultural practices, whatever Canadian courts might say. (Try reading Martin Neimoller’s “First, they came for…” if you feel certain anyone will remain immune.) This is, of course, a manipulative ploy to take our anxious minds away from the real losses and challenges. Dance, puppets, dance!
Even pollsters have stated that polls are no longer reliable. (B.C. and Alberta are good examples), so I’m going to trust that the Canadians, of whatever colour, origin, language or gender, with whom I’ve shared life, with whom I will share life, are not as small and mean-spirited, gullible and cowardly, as they are being painted.
I’d be very proud to call Tom Mulcair our Prime Minister and entrust Canada’s future to him and the NDP party as Jack Layton intended. I trust him and his party to deal with the challenges if what has been called a Conservative Government surplus turns out to be a deficit, as was the case after the Harris Conservative Government in Ontario. Tom Mulcair has not overextended in making the NDP promises.
For many of the same reasons…proven related experience, consistency, wisdom, foresight (note the newly revealed TTP terms), conciseness, honesty and integrity, concerns about the needs of human beings, realistic view of the environment and the economy, the ability to listen, rather than just decide for Canadians that which they want and need…for those same reasons, and more, I’m proud to vote for Dan McCarthy and trust him as the MP for Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke.
I’ve just bought a few orange blouses on sale. I’ll look terrible, but I realize orange is the very best available 2015 Canadian choice.
Patricia Anne Elford,
A voter in Petawawa, ON

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