Home Special Interest Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor


Dear Editor:
This letter contains a website you can go to view several videos which I believe, that not only the Renfrew County electorate should be made aware of, but every citizen of our nation should be made aware of as well – because they were produced by very concerned citizens in order to expose the truth about what’s going on behind the scenes all across America and Canada.
This is exactly what the Liberal administration of Premiere Kathleen Wynne is now in the process of doing — using the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) and the Ministry of Environment (MOE) – The Environmental Protection Act – The First Nations lobby – Environmental / Conservation groups – Corporate interests – and most especially the biased,
agenda-driven, MNR- supported watershed committees, that are riddled with people who favour agendas, such as sustainable energy initiatives, including the exorbitantly expensive wind turbines that have cost Ontario taxpayers billion of dollars, yet to date are contributing less than one per cent of the electrical energy going into the power grid.
And, as such, these MNR supported watershed committees all across Ontario appear to have a biased perspective when it comes to endorsing the agencies that are trying to establish and regulate conservation authority areas. These committees appear to be determined to impose on vast tracts of the Renfrew County watershed and its forests, lakes, rivers, swamps, marshes and wetlands, as well as regulating to death the ownership, use, and development of privately owned farmlands, forests, woodlots, aggregates, resources, recreational areas, snowmobile trails and all rural and municipal properties.
Like it or not it’s the truth folks, in my opinion, because that’s what the provincial government, working in concert with their regional agency functionaries, are currently engaged in doing, and you can rest assured there’s much more of the same in store for the entire Province of Ontario, and most especially for all Renfrew County municipalities in the near future.
Positioned in the forefront of all this are Renfrew County Planner Charles Cheesman (formerly from Toronto), JP2G consultant Brian Whitehead (formerly from Muskoka), Doug Skeggs and the former Pembroke District MNR Manager Paul Moreau, who is currently employed as the Renfrew County Property and Development Manager, all of whom (in the growing opinion of many I know) are perceived as being either directly or indirectly confederate in promoting a County Official Plan that’s not in the best interests of our municipality or its property owners, nor is it in the best interests of future growth and development opportunities in the Township of Whitewater Region.
To the contrary, the proposed County Official Plan as it now stands, is clearly in the best interests of furthering the property / people control agenda emanating from the Liberal administration of Ontario Premiere Kathleen Wynne, who is currently engaged in running the Province of Ontario into the ground with her socialist engineering fantasies, while incurring the biggest provincial debt obligations per capita, of any comparable jurisdiction on the North America continent.
In point of fact, when all of the elements contained in this provincial “people and property control agenda” are taken as a whole, it’s clear we need to divest ourselves of the various and sundry functionaries who are promoting it here in Renfrew County, by hiring our own planner and regaining control over our destiny from the people working against us, who, while being extremely well paid with our hard earned tax dollars to serve our best interests, are widely perceived as failing to do so!
For those who are genuinely concerned about the future of Renfrew County, and our Whitewater municipality in particular, the attached videos “Are A Definite Must Watch” because therein you will learn the disturbing truth about a draconian agenda currently being implemented all across the North America continent. And, be assured, the people behind it will never stop until they are forced to stop “By We The People.” However, for that to happen requires educating the Whitewater council members, several of whom apparently think the County Official Plan is just fine as is, which leads me to believe they are essentially in the dark as to what its dire implications for the future really are.
For example, it has come to my attention recently that when questioned, several councillors admitted they had scarcely even read the County Official Plan, yet they were asking people “What’s are your objections to the County Official Plan because I don’t see anything wrong
with it?” However, my hope is that the information provided by the videos at www.whitewaterevents.ca will cause them to reassess their position.
I believe the truth is that our electorate at large do not fully understand what’s been going on since they were forced into the amalgamations that precipitated the problems we are experiencing now, and, by extension in the absence of affirmative action being taken by our municipal council to correct this situation, what’s going to transpire in the future.
The electorate of Renfrew County need to be made aware of the origin, scope, and objective of the escalating property control agenda emanating from the political planners, and unelected bureaucrats in Queens Park.
To this I will add, that in no way do I purpose to criticize any member of the present council, all of whom are currently working under great pressures to successfully resolve a number of important issues.
To the contrary, I have every confidence that once armed with the relevant information to move forward, the entire body of council will proceed with the job they were elected to do, which is to serve the best interests of the voters who elected them. In respect to fulfilling that responsibility, there are a number of concerned area residents who stand ready to assist them in doing so, wherever and whenever possible, now and in the future.
In order to inform as many people as possible concerning the revelations contained in the videos, (the original email) is also being sent to every municipal council in Renfrew County, with a view to informing them, not only about the events that have already taken place, but also what the dire implications of the provincial government agenda to create Conservation Authority areas controlled and administered by the MNR / MOE will mean, for all Renfrew County municipalities far into the foreseeable future, to the detriment of our entire County.
Ladies and gentlemen, I strongly recommend that you watch the videos.
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.

Donald E, Broome,
Please go to www.whitewaterevents.ca to watch the videos.

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