Home Special Interest Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor


Dear Editor:
The purpose of Royal Canadian Legion Cobden Branch 550 is to help out veterans and their families in time of need, contribute to local hospitals, local groups such as boy scouts, Civitan, library, school programs, various youth activities, student bursaries, and the list goes on.
The money is raised through functions such as Canada day bbq which was a great success by the way, the annual golf tourney, hall rentals, bar income, Saturday bbq, Friday meals, poppy campaign, donations to the branch and more. Also a portion of the income goes to pay utilities, wages, building upkeep and other daily needs.
The legion also has several events throughout the year: Saturday afternoon jams, Saturday night bands, pool, darts, cards etc.
This legion could not and will not have continued success without the support and positive attitude of the community, members and volunteers. Branch 550 is always looking for new members with new ideas. Remember everyone is welcome.
Take time to thank a veteran.
Yours in comradeship,
Gene Phillion, President
Cobden Branch 550,
Royal Canadian Legion

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