Home Columns Letters December 31

Letters December 31


Bob’s Fans

As former residents of the valley especially Foresters Falls and Beachburg , and 18 years on Dittburner Road , formerly Bruce Road, Dixie and I have continued to subscribe to White Water News as we are now living in Kingston.

My main purpose in writing is to let Bob Grills know how much we enjoy his musings . His ability to describe his life’s happenings past and present with good humour always hits a chord and we can identify with his telling of the tale.
In these dark days we need more Bob Grills and less politicians

Murray Dittburner

Editor’s Note: Bob’s column is fun. I have no idea what he’s going to send me next. It’s like gonzo journalism with less substances.

Thanks for reading the Whitewater News. It’s a good paper I’m happy to work for.

On Pandemic


As an Upper Valley native, I follow WWN all the time.

This Christmas will not be the same but we all have to do our part.
This pandemic is not funny or to be taken lightly. However these whiners and criers need to realize that, by comparison, our situation is just a minor inconvenience.

Most of us have had the pleasure, living our lives, free of War, unlike our parents and grand parents. We cannot fathom the hardships they endured for the cause.

This pandemic is “chicken poop”!

These whiners need to shut their pie holes, pull themselves up by the boot straps and get on with it!

My father had a saying, “things have to be pretty damn bad if they can’t get worse”!


Mick Kennedy

Editor’s Note: You lost me at the “cannot fathom the hardships” part. Lotta kids lost all their social lives, people lost their livelihoods and were hit already hard by a terrible economy and exploitation-heavy business world.

Not a big fan of calling people whiners for the legitimate fear of dying to a disease which spreads quickly and often is dismissed by people, and has long term physical impacts on breathing.

I appreciate your letter, and thank you for reading the Whitewater news.

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