Home Community Library Board Appointed for 2022-2026 Term

Library Board Appointed for 2022-2026 Term


The Council heard a motion to enact a bylaw to appoint a library board for the 2022-2026 term.

Clerk Carmen Miller said that they received five applicants and recommended all of them be appointed.

The returning applicants were Cindy McAllister, Monica Le Grotta, Linda Naud, Jim Butterworth, Season Osborne.

The report outlined the candidates as follows:

“Cindy McAllister; Mrs. McAllister is currently serving on the board. She has been working on updating policies, organising events, annual budgets and raising money.

Monica La Grotta; Mrs. La Grotta has been treasurer for the Library Boardfor the past 2 years. She is looking forward to having another opportunity to continue contributing her time to the board.

Linda Naud; is a new applicant, she holds an Honours BSc (Psychology) from the University of Toronto, as well as diplomas from Ryerson Polytechnical University (now Metropolitan University) in Human Resources Management, and Marketing. Her education and experience in policies and program will be a welcome addition.

Jim Butterworth; is the longest serving member on the board. He believes that the library is the central hub of the community and strengthens mental health of the community.

Season Osborne; Mrs. Osborne was appointed as a member in the summer of 2022. Ms. Osbourne will continue to promote the library using her the skill set she has gained working for Correction Service Canada and the Ottawa Hospital Foundation.

The motion was passed.

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