Home Council MFIPPA administrative duties delegated to CAO

MFIPPA administrative duties delegated to CAO


COBDEN — Whitewater Region department reports and bylaws passed at the April council meeting.
Public works: Trucks were out sanding or plowing 13 times in March compared to seven times last year. Catch basins were opened up from snow and ice to help drain water off the roads.
Gravel was hauled to Waterview Road because of large soft spots, as well as Fletcher Road and Pleasant Valley Road due to large holes and culvert heaving in spots.
Cold patching has started and bump signs were erected where required.
Manager Bill Misener noted all the roads have been graded at least once, some of them twice.
Treasurer: A total of $1,159,514 was paid to the county and school boards, which is the first levy installment for 2016. The first installment of the 2016 water /sewer bills were due at the end of March. A total of $185,036.54 was billed in water and a total of $96,114.83 in sewer revenue and a total of $11,275.55 was billed for metered sewer/water revenue.
Waste Management: Spring household waste event is Saturday, May 14 at the Ross Garage on Mineview Road between the hours of 9 a.m. and 1 p.m.
Reeve: The Ontario Trails Council Eastern Ontario Conference is in June. Topics include managing hazards, trail design and signage, needs of different trail uses, urbans verses wilderness trails and much more.
Councillor Daryl McLaughlin said someone, either a council member or staff, should attend this conference on behalf of the township. Mayor Hal Johnson agreed.
Bylaws Passed
Chief Administrative Officer Christine FitzSimons has been delegated all administrative responsibilities under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the township.
The board members of the Whitewater Region Public Library are Helen Francis (chair), Anne Guest (assistant chair), Connie Tabbert (secretary), Marilyn Labow (treasurer), trustees Donna Campbell, Alison Smith, Gwen Bennett and Isabel Tanguay. The council representative is Cathy Regier. The librarians are Marilyn Labow (Beachburg), Debbie McLaughlin (Cobden and is the co-ordinating librarian) and Debbie Byce (Foresters Falls).
The members of the Cobden and District Recreation Association are Councillor Chris Olmstead and Nathalie Moore (both representing the township) and directors are Ted Barron, Dave Stewart, Julie Hennessy, Heather Corrigan, Stan Keon, Art Cobb, Sandy Dick and Hank Sukkel.

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