Home Council Motions should be read individually — not lumped together: Coun. McLaughlin

Motions should be read individually — not lumped together: Coun. McLaughlin


COBDEN — Township of Whitewater Region Councillor Daryl McLaughlin requested council review each motion passed in committee instead of bunching them together.
During the Sept. 16 council meeting, Mayor Hal Johnson read aloud a motion to pass all the motions from the Sept. 2 council in committee meetings. No one objected and the motion was passed.
A few minutes later, Coun. McLaughlin said, “I’m just a little confused. Did we go through the motions that came out of the committees? Did we go through them one by one?”
Mayor Johnson said not one by one.
Coun. McLaughlin questioned, “Isn’t that proper procedure? Am I wrong?”
Deputy-Clerk Hope Dillabough said tonight’s procedure was the same that happened at last month’s council meeting.
“We just adopted them in one motion, which we did tonight,” she said.
The individual motions are available if council wishes to go through them one by one, she said.
Coun. McLaughlin said in the past they were read one by one, not lumped in as one.
Since two council members were absent from the meeting, Mayor Johnson suggested the motions be read one by one.
“The reason we adopted it to do it the other way last time is because of our limited time,” he said. “Our meetings are getting so long.”
Coun. McLaughlin agreed the meetings are getting long, but still preferred each motion be read and approved by council.
Reeve Terry Millar said, “We were just being considerate. We didn’t want you to get too tired later on.”
Coun. McLaughlin said the decision is up to council.
Mayor Johnson said since Coun. McLaughlin asked that each motion be read individually, that is how it will be done.
Five motions previously discussed and passed by various committees were passed with just one having to be revised so figures regarding a contract for the waste water plant could be written in.

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