Home Council Municipal Election Summary for 2022

Municipal Election Summary for 2022


The Council heard a report summarizing the recent Municipal Election.

CAO Burton thanked the council members for their work and congratulated them on being elected or acclaimed.

According to the report.

The Township has 6,613 eligible voters of which 2,715 or 40.81% submitted
a ballot. A total of 3 ballots were returned and 1 cancelled. The following
methods we’re used to submit ballots:

  • Online: 1894 ballots (69.76%)
  • Telephone: 125 ballots (4.60%)
  • Paper: 696 ballots (25.64%)
    2,715 ballots

CAO Burton said it represents a 7% decrease in voter turnout since the last election.

An automatic recount occurred on Friday at 1pm due to Joey Trimm and Daryl McLaughlin were within 10 votes of each other, which revealed the same result.

There were no comments and the motion was carried.

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