Home Publisher's Corner ONE LESS SIGN



Even though I am pleased to see all the campaign signs, I am not putting up ones of my own. I figure that 39 years of living and working here is enough for voters to make up their mind that I am up to the task. The huge number of candidates is refreshingly reassuring to me that I am not the only one to recognize there needs to be change in our region.

For the past dozen years I have watched our once prosperous province quickly slide to have no status. The decay started in our cities and those that precipitated this decline want to spread it to rural Ontario. So much so that it seems like there is a war between urban and rural in our province. As an entrepreneur who wants our region to grow, I am continually frustrated by roadblocks to growth and development because provincial leaders think what’s good for Mississauga is good for the municipality of Whitewater Region.

I have a better vantage point than most because I am always trying to start new ventures. I can tell you what is hindering growth and development is our own government, at every level. We need a council who will fight aggressively for growth and development. I surely will.

On another election note, hats off to our editor Connie to organizing a second All Candidates Meeting in Cobden on Monday Oct 20th.


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