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OPP introduces new REACH program


The OPP will be hiring hundreds of Provincial Constables over the coming years, and with opportunity for a career with the OPP at an all-time high, many candidates are wondering how they can be more competitive for a career in policing.
The OPP’s Uniform Recruitment Unit is excited to announce the REACH Program. REACH, which stands for Recruit Essential Attributes for Competitive Hiring, was designed to help candidates navigate through the application process, identify areas of improvement and prepare for an interview with the OPP.
In addition to providing resume tips, fitness guidelines and competency-based interview preparation, the program will also offer mock interviews and small-group-mentoring sessions for participants throughout Ontario – and across Canada!
“There’s never been a better time to apply to the OPP, or a more exciting time to work in Uniform Recruitment,” says Inspector Bryan MacKillop. “Using social media, we’ve been able to reach more people than ever before. The REACH Program is designed to take that a step further, by identifying people who want to make a difference in their communities and giving them the tools they need to be successful.”
As a part of the REACH Program, the OPP are also introducing a Recruitment Council. It will be comprised of leaders and subject matter experts from emergent and diverse communities, and we will work collaboratively with the Council to ensure our strategies are truly responsive to community needs. The council will also provide feedback on how to actively engage with the communities we serve.
Interested in applying to the REACH Program? Email Outreach Coordinator Angie Sloan at [email protected]. More information about the program will also be released on social media in the coming weeks. Follow Uniform Recruitment on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat.

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