A member of Whitewater Ontario, a group advocating for the creation of a public access to the Ottawa River, criticizing the Township for relying on Joe Kowalski’s private access.
“It’s not really free, because we have to provide names and basically provide him advertising.” the speaker said. “If you’re so environmentally concerns [Kowalski] don’t plow through the trees.”
Dave Mackay said that Council had provided a plan to set up and acquire a road as a public access point, in the event Joe Kowalski shut down his free access.
Daryl McLaughlin said that the option of the McCoy chute road was suggested but required “stipulations”
“It has to be wide enough.” he said. “You have to be able to get emergency vehicles down it. That’s where we left it with the group, and they have to bring us back a plan.”
He referred to Whitewater Ontario’s approach of Council a year ago where they were asked to provide a plan.
Both Dave Mackay and Daryl McLaughlin pointed out that acquiring a private road was a process that required consent of the current owner.
“As far as the road, that’s a private road, the owner has all the same rights and it’s his decision.” McLaughlin said.