Bob Grylls, Columnist of Westmeath

Foreword: The details of the paint project was written about in approximately 2005 but never published. Here is an opportunity to see the volunteers of the time and how they accomplished a large project for the WDRA with volunteers.

Early September saw a transformation of the Westmeath & Area rink; from one looking a little drab and weathered with age; to one displaying a new look of shininess and glamour. Cathy Barr’s idea to paint the rink provided the inspiration.

The WDRA assigned Bob Grylls to determine the cost of materials needed and then provide the necessary funding for them. Cathy and Lisa McDonald were the coordinators, sourcing volunteers for help on September 9th and10th. Shelley Hoffman, Jasmine Brennan and James Barr were there for much of the preparation work the week previous, as were ‘Cathy, Lisa and Bob. On the Saturday, Rick McDonald and Kyle Laporte scrapped first and then applied two coats of paint to the high wall at the front of the ice-rink, made possible with an electric lift loaned by Terry Kenny of Rondeau Electric for the weekend.

Other painters on Saturday were Anne Bromley, Beth Lipke, Jenn Ethier, Tracey Hotchkiss, Mark Hotchkiss, Marlene Gagnon, Andy Gagnon, Rick Bromley and Sheryl Bromley. Danny Laflair helped out with the project on Sunday afternoon. Those who worked Saturday as well as Sunday were Peter Ethier, James Barr, Linda & Lorne Catherwood, Kyle Laporte, Lisa & Rick McDonald, Cathy Barr and Bob Grylls.

There was also support from Jane DeRuiter providing coffee and soft drinks, Natalie Bromley taking care of the parent’s youngsters, Linda Bromley’s tasty sandwiches, Terry Kenny of Rondeau Electric who loaned us an electric lift, a donation of painting supplies by Shelley Hoffman and Peter Ethier, and a gallon of paint by Lorne Catherwood.

Paddy Brisson volunteered to pick up the bulk of the paint from Glidden’s with his truck and Bill Grylls disposed of any empty paint cans that were around. Final touches were wrapped up by Cathy and Bob in the week following. This project was a success only because of all the help from the many volunteers and their enthusiasm. A total of 240 man-hours were needed to complete the project. Congrats to all of the above-mentioned people for the donation of their time and skills.


    Cathy Barr                                 Lisa McDonald                           

Bob Grylls

Peter Ethier
Linda Catherwood Lorne Catherwood

Kyle Laporte
Rick McDonald Anne Bromley

Beth Lipke
Jenn Ethier Tracey Hotchkiss

Mark Hotchkiss
Marlene Gagnon Andy Gagnon

Sheryl Bromley
Rick Bromley Danny Laflair

Shelley Hoffman
Jasmine Brennan James Barr

Other Support:

Natalie Bromley Jane DeRuiter
Linda Bromley

Paddy Brisson
Bill Grylls
Terry Kenny

Number of Volunteers: 28

Number of Volunteer Hours: 250

Cost of Paint & Accessories: $1550

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