Home Council Parking near Cobden’s public school to be discussed

Parking near Cobden’s public school to be discussed


by Connie Tabbert

COBDEN — The parking congestion around Cobden District Public School has become so bad, two school bus line owners have sent letters of concern to Whitewater Region Township council.
Bylaw officer Doug Schultz informed the committee-in-council last Wednesday about the letters.
Reeve Terry Millar said he checked out the situation earlier that day.
“I noticed all the buses line up on both sides of the street,” he said. “Half the problem is the buses on the street. There is ample room for the buses to park around the school. They can go in behind the school and load the students on the buses in the school yard.”
He also suggested the buses come up to the school from Hwy. 17 on Cowley Street.
As for restricting parking, Reeve Millar he would support “strict parking” on the corners.
Reeve Millar also noted there are four to six vehicles parked on the street throughout the day and believes they may be staff at the school. Those people could park somewhere on the school ground, he suggested.
By doing those simple changes, Reeve Millar noted, “Now there would be ample room for the other cars.”
This way could be tried for a month before changes could be made to see if it works, he said.
Councillor Daryl McLaughlin, who is one of the bus drivers, noted the school board officials don’t want the buses on the playground during recess. If the buses were to park on the playground, the children would lose valuable space for playing, he explained.
He also noted driving up the hill, the buses sometimes get caught on the pavement.
There is the possibility if the buses weren’t lined up on Craword Street, just before Cowley Street, vehicles might park there instead of on Cowley Street.
But when the buses try to drive into the laneways of the school, there’s fear at times a vehicle parked near the entrance will get hit, Coun. McLaughlin said.
“My suggestion is to get the bus owners and drivers and staff and have a look,” he said. “I’m sure there’s lots of things to be done.”
Councillor Charlene Jackson suggested there be no parking on either side of Cowley Street. She also suggested school board staff be invited to discuss the situation.
Mr. Schultz agreed to set up a meeting with all interested parties invited to participate.

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