Home Community Participants needed for flood study

Participants needed for flood study


WHITEWATER REGION — Only seven people have signed up to speak about their personal experiences during the spring flood of 2019. 

“Our project aims to highlight the voices/perspectives of residents and is different from MNR investigation in the way that we are focusing on local experiences during the 2019 flood,” said Jennifer Spinney, Ph.D. “[We] would like to learn an additional 35 to 40 local experiences, if possible.”

According to Dr. Spinney, participation includes an hour long conversation with her or Dr. Brent Doberstein, an associate professor and faculty member at the University of Waterloo. She said people will be asked to share their flood story and follow-up questions may include any of the following:

  • How did your days typically unfold prior to the flood;
  • When did you become concerned about the potential for flooding;
  • If/how did you prepare in advance;
  • How did you respond to the rising waters;
  • How did you recover/Are you still recovering;
  • What challenges and triumphs did you experience, what concerns did you have during the flood and afterward;
  • What do you feel caused the flood; and/or
  • What does your everyday normal look like now?

The overall outcome of the study is to generate a comprehensive account of the event from a local perspective; prepare and submit a written report to the Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction’s (ICLR), the Township of Whitewater Region and project participants and to host a Town Hall meeting, if permitted. Both Dr. Spinney and Dr. Doberstein are open to other ideas for ensuring the community receives feedback and benefits to the greatest extent possible.

When asked who they’d like to speak with, they specified affected residents. “This could mean you had a little bit of water coming in your home to a whole lot of water coming in your home,” said Dr. Spinney. She said they would also like to speak with people who were involved in flood preparations, response, relief and recovery.

“The interviews will take place in person at the Westmeath area on February 8, 9, 10,” said Dr. Spinney. If not in town or not available on those days, she said there are options to speak over the phone or to have a video call over the computer. Their schedules our flexible and Dr. Spinney said they will make every accommodation possible.

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  1. Dear Residents: If you would like more information or would like to volunteer to participate, please call/text me (Jennifer) at 519-878-5986 or email me at [email protected]. Many thanks to those who have shared their perspectives with us so far. Sincerely, Jennifer

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