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President Trump and a Second Wall!


President Donald Trump’s Wall at the southern border of the United States is presently stalled and may never get built. Mr. Trump, when pondering this dilemma was heard to say, “I said to myself. Myself, if I am to get this Wall I will have to go and get help from the Pink Floyd band.”

He couldn’t count on Congress for help, especially the Democrats who maintain that his Wall will happen only over their dead bodies or at least their last dying breath. Even declaring a state of emergency to acquire the $5-billion will be stone-walled.

However, despite all the rock-solid arguments proclaiming Trump is not qualified for the job of President, some even pointing out that his mental capacity is at the low end of the totem pole, he can still come up with a home run. With his back against the wall, he shrewdly revises the songs to fit his audience. This time he has rocked the nation by singing praises for a meeting he’s arranged with former members of the classic rock band Pink Floyd to discuss how they had so much success with their ‘Wall’.

Trump said, “Pink Floyd was huge and they built a huge wall that everyone in the world loved. They then made an album to celebrate their Wall called “The Wall” that was a really big hit. All the kids really loved the album so they really will love me too, once I build my Wall. That is why I am meeting with both Pink and Floyd as soon as possible.”

Known for their progressive, psychedelic music, Pink Floyd has sold more than 250 million records worldwide, including 70 million in the U.S.  The band was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1996. They last played together in 2005.

The news of Trump’s planned meeting was broken through Press Secretary Sarah Sanders which started a flurry of questions. Anyway, she replied, “President Trump gets together with lots of people from all walks of life to learn more about this great country of ours and how he can financially and morally bankrupt it like every business he’s ever run.” 

Adding her two cents, Trump senior adviser Kellyanne Conway said, “President Trump especially loves how Pink Floyd sang about ‘not needing no education’. The President loves the uneducated. So do I, but we especially love the uninformed. They’re really easy to manipulate with a string of contradictory but inflammatory statements that make no logical sense at all but help distract everyone from the Russia investigation. Thought control is central to what we are doing in the White House – and we’ll do more of it once we silence those troublesome reporters.”

An anonymous leaker on Trump’s White House staff commented, “President Trump remains committed to building the wall he promised everyone during his campaign, which is why shovel sales in Mexico and throughout South America have skyrocketed. I wouldn’t be surprised if Eric and Donald Jr. get into the shovel business. Anyway, if Pink Floyd can help provide wall expertise, we’re all for it.”

The Trump and “The Wall” stories overlap in an intriguing way. Similar to narcissistic rock stars, Trump also has a bottomless need for attention and has skills in the areas of self-promotion. He knows how to stir up his followers and is willing to say almost anything that gets a reaction from them. His rallies are a page out of “The Wall” where fans get worked up into a frenzy. Trump prompts chants like “Build That Wall” and “Lock Her Up”. Frequently his calls for fans to unleash their anger that will sometimes lead to violence against his protesters — just like in the “The Wall. Trump’s life story is similar to the one in “The Wall” where a rock star’s isolated descent into madness and eventuality a hallucinatory rise as a fascist dictator. Trump has that rock star quality, the egomaniacal madness, and the cult appeal of an authoritarian figure. He too was quite isolated in his Trump Tower where he lived and worked for many years.

Pink Floyd’s “The Wall” is symbolic, but so is Trump’s wall. If Trump does build the wall, it will stand as the anti-Statue of Liberty and thought of as a locked door without a key to those immigrants wanting to enter.

Yet to be revealed is how Trump will react when he meets the legendary musician of Pink Floyd, Roger Waters! Waters who is known for being anti-Trump was overheard muttering, “I’m a musician, not a bloody contractor.”

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