WHITEWATER REGION (Beachburg) — Bathrooms and changerooms will soon be erected at Little Lakes near Beachburg.
The prefabricated privy and change rooms will be purchased from Anchor Concrete Products Limited in the amount of $34,552.80.
The total cost of the project is expected to be $70,000. The township received a Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program grant of $35,000. The other $35,000 will be paid for by the municipality.
Other expenses include entrance signage, parking improvements, fencing, benches, accessible picnic table, a second shelter, bike racks, flag pole, waste receptacles and dog bag dispensers and interpretative panels (for information on area amenities, BORCA trails and Little Lakes).
Chief Administrative Officer Robert Tremblay explained there was no time to advertise for the two buildings due to the time constraints of applying for the grant and completing the project.
The township received the grant information 18 days ago, and have only until March 31 to complete the work, he said.
The buildings are utilitarian, accessible and will serve the township’s purpose.
Mayor Hal Johnson is hopeful the buildings will be constructed so they won’t be vandalized.