Home Letters Questions remain concerning 5G technology

Questions remain concerning 5G technology


Dear Editor:

We did it. We all made it to Summertime. Beauty surrounds us. No one is wearing winter coats. Baby fruits adorn many trees, and wild strawberries are being harvested and enjoyed. Visitors are flowing upstream and over hills to enjoy the Valley and all the life here.

This past weekend, I attended the free presentation in Cobden by the Renfrew County Private Landowners Association titled “What is 5G and is it harmful?”  The RCPLA invited Dr. Magda Havas, professor of Environmental and Resource Studies at Trent University in Peterborough, to bring us the scientifically peer reviewed facts about this technology.

I personally wanted to understand better why our County Council would vote to spend $40,000 on encouraging the technology corporations to bring 5G tech to Renfrew County before this technology has been reviewed for health safety.

To be brief, 5G is a way of transmitting signals/ information using microwaves (millimetre sized waves). It will not improve cell phone service, though it will make it faster to download movies, etc. It will also facilitate the “internet of things” or, the communication of robots and “smart” (dumb) machines, like driverless cars, that remove the necessity to think from many people’s lives. This tech is also used in crowd control devices, whereby the focused waves get under the first layer of skin and overheat it so people will run away.

We watched a short video of the US FCC chair, Tom Wheeler, telling reporters that 5G is coming, “get out of the way”, “billions of dollars are to be made”, “if you have health concerns go see your doctor”. Essentially, the tech corporations and the governments have not tested this technology for health safety. They just want to make profits, and again, the humans will pay for it and be the guinea pigs. The pharmaceutical industry will make millions selling palliative pills.

Since the 5G waves are so short, they have trouble penetrating houses and trees, thus they will need many line-of-sight small towers to keep connected with each other, plus lots more satellites above us. That means a tower on every utility pole. Lots of hardware to sell. It also means that our towns will be like being in a microwave oven. One can’t escape it.

Many people are aware that they have electro-hypersensitivity. It was first noticed in the 1940s when electricity wires became so prevalent. These people will be looking for regions to vacation away from their home cities and the ‘electrosmog’ that reigns there. It would make sense to me that Renfrew County, with our dependency on tourist dollars, would be interested in being a refuge for such EMF refugees.

Why was Mayor Janice Visneskie Moore from Killaloe, Hagarty and Richards township the only member of County Council to vote against spending money on this technology? Why was she the only politician at the information meeting on Saturday? Are the other Councillors burying their heads in the sand? Accepting presentations by big corporations without thinking or considering what the long-term costs are? They were likely told “everyone wants it” and didn’t check any further… and now don’t want to know?

Perhaps County Council can invite Dr. Havas to return to Renfrew County to give them a presentation of all the science behind our concerns. It’s not just the people around Killaloe who are concerned, or who are informed. There is a large body of proven scientific facts and statistics from around the world showing health damage from EMFs (electro magnetic frequencies).  For more information please see Dr. Havas’ website: www.magdahavas.com and her YouTube channel, www.youtube.com/user/magdahavas.

Thank you

Robbie Anderman,

Killaloe, ON


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