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Recount of Votes on October 28th

Press Release Ivan Burton, CAO of the Township of Whitewater Region


As a result of the number of votes between two (2) candidates for the office of councillor being less than ten (10) votes, the Township will hold an automatic recount per the Township’s Municipal Election Automatic Recount Policy adopted in accordance with Section 56 (1.1) Municipal Election Act, 1996, S.O. 1996, c.32.

The Township of Whitewater Region recognizes that elections conducted with fairness and integrity are fundamental to our democratic society. The results of an election must instill confidence among candidates, electors and administrators and accurately reflect the votes cast.

The policy reads that “the Clerk shall hold a recount of the votes for the candidate(s) in question, if the number of votes separating candidates from winning an office is a variance of one of the following:

• Ten (10) votes or less; or
• 1% of voters who have cast their votes for the office, whichever is the lesser amount.”

For the office of councillor, candidate Joey Trimm (1,188 votes) and candidate Daryl McLaughlin (1,181 votes) held a difference of 7 votes (see attached).
The recount will be held on October 28, 2022, at 1:00 p.m. Downstairs Boardroom at the Township Office located at 44 Main Street in Cobden ON.
Only the following members may be present:

  • the clerk and any election officials
  • every certified candidate for the office of councillor or their lawyer/scrutineer.
    The results of the recount will be issued following the recount.
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