Home Community Renfrew Victoria Hospital involves students in National Nursing Week celebrations

Renfrew Victoria Hospital involves students in National Nursing Week celebrations


All across our province and country, an annual celebration took place to honour nurses’ professionalism, commitment to their patients, and the many roles they play in the healthcare sector.

The theme of National Nursing Week 2023, May 8th to 14th, is “Our Nurses. Our Future.”

In a very special Nursing Week initiative, two classes at Cobden District Public School (CDPS) took part in the Registered Nurses of Ontario (RNAO) #HeyNurse campaign, which gave them a chance to tell a nurse or a group of nurses how much they are appreciated for their work, for helping the student or a loved one, or simply to thank a nurse.

Chris Ferguson, RVH Chief Nursing Executive (CNE), visited the school to invite the students to take part.

“It is great to involve the community in our nursing week celebrations and we’re thrilled to have these young students share their talents and appreciation for our nurses” said Ferguson.

On a poster template that was provided, 46 students in Miss Wylie’s and Miss Bell’s Grade 3 and 4 classes wrote a letter or drew a picture to share how a nurse/nurses have made a difference to them and their family.

Teacher Sheri Wylie said that the students loved getting to be a part of the project.

“It was a way for them to say thank you to people who have helped them, their friends, and family. We were very fortunate that Chris Ferguson from the RVH was able to stop by and explain the project to us,” said Wylie.

The posters were displayed around the RVH cafeteria and hallways for all nurses and staff to view during nursing week.

Daily celebration events also took place throughout the week. Monday began with a draw for tickets to a performance of Nurse Blake at the NAC. Nurses were entered into the draw by nominations from their coworkers.

Guest speaker Professor Sheila Tlou was on hand on Tuesday to talk about ‘The future of nursing and the fight for global health equity’, and all staff are invited to sit in on an in-service about oxygen therapy for COPD patients.

Wednesday’s trivia challenge will include prizes and treats handed out by RVH’s Best Practice Spotlight Organization (BPSO) champions. Important information will be shared about RVH’s 2023 BPSO focus on Pain and Symptom Management.

RVH has been BPSO designated since 2018 and has implemented several best practices over the past four years including person- and family-centred care, domestic violence screening, falls risk management, screening for delirium, dementia and depression in older adults, and more.

Thursday is pink day with all staff encouraged to wear pink to show appreciation for their amazing nursing coworkers.

The week will culminate on Friday with the launch of this year’s Frances Wilson Nursing Bursary – which provides financial support for professional growth for personal support workers and nursing staff to upgrade their skills or learn new ones, earn specialty certification, or a bachelor’s or master’s degree.

In addition to this unique bursary program, nurses are eligible for RVH’s annual continuing education fund and incentive programs such as Canadian Student Loan Forgiveness, Community Commitment Program for Nurses and the Supervised Practice Experience Partnership program.

“Nursing Week is a time to express our appreciation for nurses and the many roles they play in caring for our patients and their families. At RVH we take pride in providing opportunities for our nurses to grow and advance in a safe and supportive work environment every week of the year,” stated Julia Boudreau, CEO, RVH.

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