Home Council Reuse Centre in Landfill Report

Reuse Centre in Landfill Report


The Council of the Township of Whitewater Region received a report for information purposes as it relates to a potential re-use centre at the landfill.

Environmental Services Superintendent Steve Hodson reported that a reuse area is permitted as ‘scavenging at a landfill site is generally prohibited’ and this gives ‘a little area to put things aside’.

“If you allow people to put things in these centers and not charging them a tipping fee, it can become a little bit of a problem in who can determine if something has value.”

Mayor Moore asked if Whitewater members can donate to the Ottawa Valley Waste Recovery Center, which Hodson said no as ‘we are not a paying member”.

Councillor Nicholson asked “Are we helping our landfill at all in the future by making use of these reuse centers?”

“I would strongly recommend if it came here destined as waste, we should definitely charge for it.” Hodson said. “People can argue that something they own has value. We’re becoming a flea market almost. I would not recommend for letting this stuff come in for no charge. I’ve witnessed what can happen.”

“If someone brings something to this site, they brought it here because they don’t want it anymore. A lot of the items that go to these reuse centres end up in the landfill, because people don’t see value in other people’s items. You’ve got to keep in mind that a lot of these items end up in a landfill anyway.”

“It’s very staff-oriented.” Cleroux said. “You have to monitor these sites to make sure people don’t drop off inappropriate items.”

“Does this add any value to our process?” Councillor Nicholson said. “Should we implement it now or just park it save a spot for it in 2022?”

“It’s not just for the landfill, it’s for the community.” Cleroux said. “It would probably not impact the overall life expectancy of the landfill. It would also supplement the costs of the landfill. We could use volunteers to avoid costs.”

“We’re running a tight ship at the landfill already.” CAO Trembley said. “While I appreciate the work of volunteers, staff are required to coordinate them. We have not budgeted for the space to hold this and we don’t have the staff for it, but we can save space for it.”

Mayor Moore suggested that yard sales after COVID-19 pandemic eased will reduce the need for this.

Reeve Regier suggested Value Village and drop-off sites as other options.

Mayor Moore asked if there was any County program to donate furniture, which Reeve Regier said there was not, though there were ‘independent groups’ that would accept and distribute them.

The motion was carried.

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