Home Council Rezoning on John Street

Rezoning on John Street


That Council of the Township of Whitewater Region approved an amendment to the zoning category of the property located at 43 John Street, from “Mixed-Use Commercial (MC) Zone” to the “Residential One – Exception Nine (R1-E9) Zone”.

Ivan Burton said that the property currently contains “a single family home only used for residential purposes.”

He said that this change was part of a severance, where the other parcel would have a single-family home serviced by local wastewater to be built.

The proposal also includes reducing the front yard depth to three meters.

“The house will have an attached garage that allows for two spaces, and a carport for an additional space.” Burton said.

Burton said that it met with the standards of the municipality.

Howard and Joann Winters, the applicants were present, and had nothing to add.

Councillor Nicholson asked for a clarification that the measurement was 2100 square feet

The motion was carried.

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