Home Council Road Renaming

Road Renaming


The Council of Whitewater Region heard a motion to approve the Road Naming Policy, and inform the property owners on Indian Road, Gypsy Lane, and Meadow Drive of potential renaming.

“The practice refers to naming roads that maybe a certain time were appropriate, but are now not, and also to duplicates.” CAO Trembley said.

He said that the decision was prompted by Indigenous groups input and criticism of the name Indian road, and that its name was due to the route’s original use as a portage route, and that the Algonquins of Pikwakanagan suggestion was Anishinaabe, which means “first people”.

Gypsy is often an offensive term for the R0ma people of Europe, and that a potential name would be Rathwell, after former councillor, Mayor, and Reeve Donald Rathwell.

Meadow Drive duplicates Meadow Street in Cobden and potentially presents confusion to the 911 system across the County.

CAO Trembley said that no cost should be incurred by the Township.

Councillor Jackson recommended a more extensive survey regarding a commemorative name.

Dave Mackay suggested that the locals of Indian Road pick the name, at the request of the residents.

“If we can keep it in the same spirit, we can use the name recommended by the Algonquins, and get feedback from the locals.” Councillor Nicholson said.

Councillor Olmstead agreed that local residents should have input, and supported the name Anishinaabe.

Councilor McLaughlin said he ‘found it hard to believe’ there were no costs, and suggested more research.

The Motion was carried.

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